Our Commitment is 25+ Years Strong
Since 1984, Kashi* has put everything it believes directly into the food it makes. We’re remembering our roots as we set our eyes on a brighter future to take our mission a step further. At Kashi, we want to continue our commitment to creating a more balanced food system. While we remain small at heart, we’re big enough to make a meaningful difference. We’re very proud of our growing list of Non-GMO Project Verified foods listed below.
Our commitment: We’re so excited to announce all of our products will be Non-GMO Project Verified by the end of 2016!
Foods Already Non-GMO Project Verified
This long-term commitment follows the Non-GMO Project Verification of Kashi foods, including:
A Rigorous Verification Process
- All Kashi foods that have met its rigorous standard will carry the Non-GMO Project Verified seal.
- The process is multi-step and involves segregation, traceability, risk assessment, and ongoing testing of all major GMO risk ingredients at critical control points.
- Verification can take several months depending on many factors.
- The Non-GMO Project is the leading independent verifier of non-GMO foods.
“When people see the Non-GMO Project verification mark on a product, they can trust that it’s been made in compliance with the best possible practices for GMO avoidance.”
-- Megan Westgate, Non-GMO Project executive director